Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Completed Cosy Stripe Blanket

It's taken a little under 3 weeks to complete, which I think is my quickest made blanket yet.  I stuck to Lucy's (Attic24) pattern and colour order right up to the very last 5 stripes and the edging.  I was aware that with Lucy's that the wool for the edging would be quite tight especially for the 4th and final edging row, with 5 stripes to go I decided to lay out the blanket and measure the length, the width was about ok but the length was already very close to Lucy's finished length, so decided to not continue the remaining stripes. Originally sticking to the colour order of the edging I found that I was one short edge short on the copper, so I had to start again and used the 4 colours that I had omitted for the final stripes which were grape, gold, claret and lime, as there was still a good 40g left of each of these.  I'm pretty happy with this colour combo, though copper was one of my favourites and I actually preferred the lime to the meadow for the final edging row.  So if you are working on this blanket, please keep checking your measurements, it all really depends on how tight or loose you crochet, and Lucy has pointed this out throughout the pattern, weighing your wool is another good way of keeping tabs of how you are going.

Here are some pictures of the finished blanket, with Mollie helping to show it off....lol, Mollie is a proper little poser and you'll probably see her quite a lot on here posing and even modelling finished items.

The nose in the air is a common little Miss Snooty pose Mollie likes to use :-)

I have really enjoyed this blanket project and have loved working with all the colours and it's just finished in time for the impending wintery spell expected.

Remember you can follow the pattern for the Cosy Stripe Blanket over on Attic24 here
And purchase the wool pack if you want to follow Lucy's colour order over at Wool Warehouse here

I'm now getting started on my next project which was another Christmas present which is again another one of Lucy's pattern's and wool pack, so please check back soon to follow my next project journey.

Thanks for stopping by

Joanne xx

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