Thursday 5 February 2015

It's all about the squares

Good Morning, sorry I've not posted for nearly a week, but I have been busy with the hooky :-)
The wreath is slowly coming along doing odd things to add to it here and there, but I don't think it will be too much longer before it all comes together.
I've also been busy with some squares for a CAL (crochet-a-long) which lasts for nearly the full year, there is a new pattern for a square every 2 weeks, we are currently on square number 3. So here are my three squares so far.....

So as you can see this will be a WIP (work-in-progress) throughout the year, which is scheduled to come together at the end of November.  If you want to read more about the CAL or indeed would like to take part you can find out more over at Keep Calm and Crochet On UK and you can also join the CAL facebook group at KCACO-UK Crochet-A-Long 2015.

The patterns all suggest using an Aran weight yarn which should produce a 12 x12 square, however myself and many others are working their's up in DK which produce smaller 8 x 8 squares. I decided on the DK not because I don't like working with Aran because I do, but as I decided to use Stylecrafts Special range there was more variety of colours to choose from in the DK range (60 in total from Wool Warehouse).  I'm working my squares using five colours - Parchment, Mocha, Walnut, Burgundy and Meadow.
Obviously smaller squares will mean a smaller finished blanket, I'm undecided yet as to whether to make up two of each square which will give me 48 squares at the end, which will give me a much bigger finished blanket, maybe too big, but then I was thinking maybe I could make a cushion out of some of them to match.  Alternatively I may pick out 12 or so of my favourite patterns and do 2 of those, got plenty of time to think about it :-).
The squares I've done still need blocking, but my cork notice board which I usually use for blocking is not now really fit for purpose anymore due to the cork breaking down from all the moisture it receives, so I need to make a new blocking board, I have a few ideas for that, which are much cheaper than buying specific blocking mats/boards which are pretty expensive for what they are.

Next week I'll be starting another CAL from The Crochet Crowd, that one is for only 10 weeks, it's a mystery afghan project so could be quite exciting, my wool has arrived for it from Canada, so I'm all set to go when it gets started.

Thanks for stopping by, watch out for more squares and my upcoming finished wreath.

Joanne xx